Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Letter To The Girl Next Door. 🌈

To the girl next door,

I know it's strange of me to write this to uh as we never talked,never met and never crossed paths but to be honest there's something I would like to tell uh and it is.....
You don't need to be the one they expect uh to be...uh don't need to take off ur glasses or rip off ur jeans...uh don't need to laugh harder and speak bolder to be like them...uh don't have to carry a hell lot makeup or a crooked smile to impress others and uh don't have to crush over him everytime!! U are a gem and if he's not getting it why to waste ur time on him? Uh are beautiful the way uh are...uh are beautiful with ur sneakers....uh r beautiful with ur shy personality....uh are imperfectly perfect...why uh always look out of ur window to get a glance of him when he actually is going on a date with the college crush? Why uh are actually bothered about what he or others think of uh...he'll look up to uh when she bluffs him...when he'll need a friend to console him...and uh know uh are flawless as a friend,as a supporter,as an advisor and someday as his love too if that dumbass realises this 🤦🏼‍♀️and if not uh know the day u will go through the glam transformation they all will be on knees....but uh know what uh are beautiful as uh are....with ur spectacles...with ur innocent smile....with a book in your hand and earphones in ur ears....uh are the one for whom someday someone will be head over heels for...✌️and in case uh don't know it....try him...and see how he falls over ur innocent smile....how he falls for YOU...and for the people who think of uh as a weird creature let them think😂they're far clumsy than expectations....!!! I wrote this to uh because I see you in every other girl I meet and wanted to convey my message to each one of them.....and in case uh don't know I'll be ur forever advisor✌️next time keep this in mind...till then I take ur leave🙋🏼

Your well wisher 

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